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Scaled Wyvern - VRChat Avatar

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Scaled Wyvern - VRChat Avatar

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Scaled Wyvern - VR Avatar

This is the Scaled Wyvern avatar made for use in VRChat or similar VR social games.

Less cartoony, more realism. If you want to give off those creature vibes, this may be an avatar for you! :)

Try it before you buy it!

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Morghus' VRChat Assets

Project contains:

  • The model is ~42k tris leaving decent room for adding customizations.
  • Some expression blend shapes.
  • Customizable facial blend shapes.
  • VRChat supported visemes.
    • This avatar uses a mix of VRC Avatar Descriptor visemes and jaw/tongue animations exposed within the animator controller.
  • VRM compatible visemes.
    • Jaw movement is baked into these visemes.
  • Some facial tracking blend shapes.
    • Not fully supported yet, but will hopefully get to this soon™️.
    • These are also re-used for regular expressions and gestures.
  • A chomp using gestures (Left-rock out Right-fist + Trigger weight).
  • Custom blinking animation, so we have full control over blinking and eyes closed.
  • First-person snoot.
  • AudioLink setup on the inner wings.
  • Floor collider for tail and toes.
  • The legs are setup for digitigrade.
    • This can be disabled using the menu provided.
  • Prefab for quick starting on setting up your Scaled Wyvern.
  • Does not use VRC Fury by default, but feel free to use it when customizing your own project!
  • Comes with Blender 3.2.1 and Substance Painter 2021 7.4.3 files.

Terms of Service

You may customize these assets however you like or upload a cloneable custom Scaled Wyvern.

Assets include anything within the Unity Package, Blender files, and Substance Painter files.

Please do not give out the assets to anyone that has not already bought and paid for the assets.

Re-uploading or re-selling this avatar or any of its included assets where anyone can freely access the distributed files without paying for it is prohibited. Please be mindful when sharing these files and support your artists.

By purchasing this avatar and assets, you hereby agree to all these terms, accepting them as a legally binding agreement.

3rd-Party Texture Services

The Substance Painter file (ScaledWyvern.sps) is the only file that may be shared for texturing if only you have purchased the base.

3rd-Party Model Edit Services

Both the client and the one providing the service must have purchased the base before sharing any assets.


Unity Package File

This Unity Package was created for Unity 2022.3.6f1 and VRChat SDK 3.5.2.

  • PC Prefab and Quest Prefab setup already to get you started!
  • Files will be unpacked into CreatureTime/Avatars/ScaledWyvern.

Package Structure

Within CreatureTime/Avatars/ScaledWyvern/Scenes, there will be a scene ScaledWyvern.unity) that will get you started.

Other directories within CreatureTime/Avatars/ScaledWyvern:

  • Animations: Contains the FX animation controller(s) and animations.
  • Materials: Contains the materials associated with the project.
    • Comes with standard and Poiyomi shaders by default. Package does not come with Poiyomi shaders!
  • Models: Contains the FBXs.
  • Prefabs: Contains the two prefabs to get you started! (*ScaledWyvern.prefab and ScaledWyvernQuest.prefab)
  • Scripts: Prefabs that contain preset settings that are re-used within the Scaled Wyvern prefab. Ears and toes, for example, since they use the same settings.
  • Textures: Preset of textures for the Scaled Wyvern. The textures are exported at 2048 by 2048 and reduced and scaled within Unity.
    I took time to make these look good with 2k textures (some are reduced using Unity texture settings). Use best practices. Save people their graphics memory and keep it 2k and under. ;)
    • The 1001 and 1002 suffix is due to Substance Painter's UDIM workflow. You should be able to open up the Substance Painter file, point to this directory, and export to override these files with your changes.
  • VRChat: VRChat specific assets such as Menus and Parameters.

Quest: There is a Quest prefab also provided. The Quest version is non-digitigrade due to limitations and will be medium on Quest. There is about 1k polygon window to add on personal customizations.

Special thanks to Morghus with helping out with the wings!

Blender Files

  • ScaledWyvern.blend
    • Contains both PC, Quest, and Substance versions.

Substance Files

Could not export PSDs from the Substance file due to UDIM workflows not supported when generating PSDs. Sorry!

    • The body and wings are both using the Texture Set called Body to utilize the UDIM workflow within Substance Painter.
      • The UVs will be slightly different. Please inspect the UVs to see how the UVs were shifted compared to the ScaledWyvern.blend file.

Future Plans

Not guaranteed, but would be nice to get to these in the future.

  • Would like to release some accessories for the Scaled Wyvern, but needed to focus on the initial release.
    • The destination for these will be in CreatureTime/Avatars/ScaledWyvern/Accessories.
  • Would also like to include frills going down the head/back/tail.

Change Log

Version 1.0.0

No changes yet!

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Refund Policy

THIS AVATAR IS NOT REFUNDABLE. Once you buy the digital assets, you will have access to everything mentioned below and there is no way of proving that the assets were not taken and/or used.

If you are having trouble, please join the Discord ( #Scaled-Wyvern-Support) and ask there before attempting to get a refund.

I try my best to keep the public version up-to-date and available to try out before buying the assets.

Last updated Apr 20, 2024

VRC Scaled Wyvern Avatar

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